CTO.berlin Articles

Gaining Full Ownership As A CTO Means Not Becoming One

In the realm of technological innovation and leadership, the title of Chief Technology Officer (CTO) is often regarded as the pinnacle of achievement. It's a role steeped in responsibility, vision, and influence. Werner Vogels' seminal piece, "The Different CTO Roles," gives us a detailed breakdown of the CTO's multifaceted nature, but for some of us, the real journey might mean transcending these categories entirely.

Understanding the CTO Role Through Vogels' Lens

Vogels’ categorization is not just a list; it's a spectrum of leadership styles and focuses:

Infrastructure Manager

These individuals are the pillars of the tech world, ensuring the company's technological backbone is robust, efficient, and future-proof. They are masters of scalability and reliability, but the role doesn't end at maintenance; it extends into innovation and proactive adaptation.

Technology Visionary

These visionaries are not just following trends; they're predicting and making them. They're responsible for ensuring that the company is not just keeping up with the times but dictating the pace of technological advancement.

External-facing Technologist

Beyond internal leadership, these CTOs represent the technological might and innovation of the company to the external world. They're building partnerships, fostering relationships, and positioning the company as a leader in the tech space.

Big Thinker

Perhaps the most strategic role, these individuals align technology with business. They're not just part of the conversation; they're leading it, ensuring that every technological decision and advancement is driving the business forward.

The Unspoken Truth About Non-Tech C-Level Executives

In my years of experience, both as a CTO and as a coach, I've come to recognize a pattern, especially prevalent in Europe, where non-technical C-level executives often outnumber tech experts in the C-suite, even in tech-focused companies. This imbalance can lead to a dilution of the company's tech-centric vision and hinder innovation. It's a challenging environment where, despite being a tech leader, you might find your voice drowned out by a majority that doesn't fully grasp the intricacies and potential of cutting-edge technology. This is where the journey diverges, and the quest for full ownership begins.

Divergent Paths: My Journey vs. My Friend's Ascent

Reflecting on my career path, I recall the early days when my friend and I were both CTOs, leading our startups through rapid growth and technological challenges. We shared the thrill of innovation and the burden of leadership. However, as time went on, our paths diverged. I chose to venture into the world of micro-business consultancy, leveraging my experience to guide multiple smaller teams and companies toward growth and innovation. This path has allowed me to impact the tech world in a more nuanced, intimate manner while traveling the world with my family.
In contrast, my friend embraced the challenge of building a company from the ground up. He transitioned from a CTO to a CEO, embodying the company's vision and driving it towards unprecedented growth. He now isn’t just leading a team; he is leading an entire organization, shaping its destiny with every decision. His path is one of relentless ambition, sacrifice, and profound impact.

Embracing Full Ownership

As CTOs, the desire for more comprehensive control and influence often means stepping out of the comfort zone and into a broader, more demanding leadership role. It's about recognizing the need for a holistic approach to leadership — one that integrates deep technological insight with strategic business acumen. It's a path fraught with challenges, but also rich with opportunities for growth, innovation, and lasting impact.
To fully embrace this role, one must be prepared for the hardships that come with it. The journey is demanding, requiring a relentless pursuit of innovation, a deep understanding of both technology and business, and the courage to make tough decisions. It's about becoming the architect of not just the technology but the entire organization, steering it through an ever-evolving landscape of challenges and opportunities.

Conclusion: The Path to Transformative Leadership

In pursuing a path of broader leadership and influence, you must be ready to take on new challenges and responsibilities. It's about more than just technology; it's about shaping the entire direction and culture of the organization. Whether you're expanding your role within the existing company or stepping into entirely new territories, it requires a strategic mindset, unwavering determination, and a clear vision for the future.
The transition from a CTO to a broader leadership role is not a journey of relinquishing identity but rather of expanding it. It's about embracing the challenges and opportunities that come with full ownership and leaving an indelible mark on the company and industry. As you navigate this path, remember that the most impactful leaders are those who dare to dream big, push boundaries, and chart new courses. So, are you ready to redefine what it means to lead in the tech world? Your most impactful journey awaits.
I asked my friend once why he started his company, why all this stress and pain? - “Because I am incompetent of doing anything else”, he replied.
2023-12-29 23:28